Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Reconstructed Portrait of Juan Dela Cruz Essay

Reflection: This kind of article is somewhat made to be funny upon criticism although some of his statements are true but need adequate citation of example. The author’s points are thoughts of a typical charlatan English 101 passer that wants to show off his talent in composition of proses like this one. Nevertheless, I will give my comments on the statement given by him. First, the author’s claim of Filipinos’ uniqueness when it comes to humor didn’t work. The statement â€Å"†¦people making fun of their own mistakes†¦Ã¢â‚¬  makes me think of humorous videos of other races laughing at their own mistake, the statement doesn’t prove the uniqueness of the subject. And the part of the said article where â€Å"sense of humor† is talked about comes with a complicated context that it blends the positive and negative statement in one part of the text. He could’ve written it in a flow which either of the two statements comes first. Second, the issue of the Filipinos speaking foreign languages for them (foreigners) to appreciate the hospitality of the natives; it doesn’t seem to make a sense. For all I know, it’s a part of tourism. This statement proves that we only please the foreigners by speaking their language in our country and they do not speak our language in their country when we visit as tourist is baseless, the foreigners teach us their language and vice versa it serves as a souvenir, a token of knowledge. Maybe the author doesn’t know that we learn â€Å"konichiwa, aloha, que tal?† and they learn â€Å"mabuhay, kumusta ka† and â€Å"mahal kita† through this mean, it is hospitality Mr. author. Third, describing the creativity of Filipinos by mentioning â€Å"when there is a big flood, they take it to their advantage to go up on the roofs of their houses to fish tilapia for their dinner.† this has nothing to do with creativity and inventiveness, climbing up the roof on a big flood is not creative, it is matter of life and death, they are not there to go fishing, they are trying to save their lives Mr. author. Fourth, the claim of us Filipinos being great violators is a mere blind  judgment and an exposition of colonial mentality; violating street signs, eating medically prohibited food, buying pirated goods, â€Å"walang ganyan sa states†? I don’t think so. American people do these things worse than we do. Fifth, cramming is compared to the story of Juan Tamad, I don’t really think it’s related at all.

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Explore the presentation of revenge in ‘Hamlet’ Essay

Revenge is a key theme in Hamlet. It is not only essential to understanding Hamlet’s character, it forms the structure for the whole play, supporting and overlapping other important themes that arise. Though it is Hamlets revenge that forms the basis for the story, tied into this is the vengeance of Laertes and Fortinbras, whose situations in many ways mirror Hamlets’ own. By juxtaposing these avengers, Shakespeare draws attention to their different approaches to the problem of revenge and how they resolve these. see more:theme of revenge in hamlet The idea of revenge is first introduced by the appearance of the ghost in act 1 Scene 5, and linked to this is the theme of hell and the afterlife. At the end of this scene, Hamlet is irreversibly bound to revenge for the duration of the play, ‘speak, I am bound to hear’ ‘So art thou to revenge’. The ghost appears with the sole aim of using his son to obtain revenge on his brother, and so every word he speaks is designed to enrage Hamlet and stir in him a desire for vengeance. He uses very emotive language to exaggerate the enormity of the crime, and he concentrates Hamlet’s attention on the treachery of Claudius. His description of the murder itself demonises Claudius and contains many references to original sin, ‘the serpent that did sting thy fathers life now wears his crown. ‘ Hamlet, who has been brought up with absolute notions of good and evil, is susceptible to these religious references, ‘o all you host of heaven! O earth! And shall I couple hell? ‘ It is ironic that the ghost refers to his own torment, trapped in purgatory, in order to demonstrate to Hamlet the injustice of the situation, yet this serves only to warn Hamlet of the possible consequences of revenge. Instead of enraging him, Hamlet is now wary of acting rashly or without proof as it could place him in a similar situation to his father. The other revengers in the play do not have this wariness, they act immediately without considering the spiritual consequences and it is unclear whether Hamlet would have had a similar attitude had he not been inadvertently alerted to this danger by old Hamlet’s ghost. Though Hamlet’s immediate reaction to news of his father’s murder is one of anger and a desire for action, by the end of the scene his desire for revenge is already blunted, for a number of reasons. Unlike Laertes and Fortinbras, Hamlet receives the information of his father’s murder from a secret and unreliable source, which means that not only is he unsure of the truth, he is forced to act out his revenge in secret. Throughout the play, Hamlet frustrates the audience with his lack of action, especially as all around him his contemporaries are visibly taking their own revenge. Fortinbras is in a similar situation to Hamlet, as his father had been murdered by old Hamlet and his land taken. The land itself is worthless and Fortinbras stands to lose more than he can gain; yet like Hamlet it is a matter of honour. Both are exacting revenge for something that nobody else cares for or remembers; a dead king for whom nobody grieves and a patch of worthless land. Part of Hamlet’s dilemma is the moral question of whether his desire for revenge is worth disrupting and endangering the lives of all those around him, ‘whether ’tis nobler in the mind to suffer the slings and arrows of outrageous fortune, or take arms against a sea of troubles and by opposing end them’ However, unlike Hamlet Fortinbras does not pause to contemplate the idea of revenge; he acts on it, ‘sharked up a list of lawless resolutes’ and marched on Denmark. The difference in their characters is obvious; Fortinbras’ character matches his name, ‘strong in arm’. He is a man of action, not of words, he has a strong presence and a commanding attitude which demands obedience, ‘Go captain, from me greet the Danish king’ ‘I will do’t my lord’. Fortinbras’ situation is infinitely less complex than Hamlet’s own; the boundaries between good and evil, personal and public, right and wrong, are for him, clearly defined. He is able to act openly, uninfluenced by friends and family. Hamlet on the other hand is surrounded by people who have obligations to both himself and the king, and is therefore unsure of whom to trust. Hamlets dilemma is founded on this; that any action he takes carries with it risks and possible consequences which could destroy the foundation of his very existence, so he hesitates and does nothing, all the while hating himself for his inaction, ‘makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others that we know not of’. The problem for Hamlet is that the murder is too close to home, so he is unable to define the boundaries between personal and public. He cannot publicly confront Claudius without proof because he risks losing his claim to the thrown, alienating his friends and family and being exiled from Denmark, as it would be seen as an attempt by the prince to regain the throne, rather than a son avenging his fathers murder. On top of this Hamlet hopes to avoid jeopardising his relationship with his mother, but at the same time he wants revenge on her for her betrayal. In order to fully understand Hamlet’s psyche and therefore the reasoning behind his actions, it is important to understand how religion affected all aspects of life in Elizabethan times. It was believed that a person who was able to confess his sins before death would be absolved and therefore go to heaven, but if a person were unable to do this their soul would be condemned to purgatory until they were able to confess and repent. Old Hamlet’s soul is in purgatory and Hamlet wants Claudius to suffer the same fate, ‘a villain kills my father and for that, I his sole son do this same villain send to heaven. Why, this is hire and salary not revenge. ‘ For this reason Hamlet has to wait for the opportune moment to kill Claudius, ‘when he is drunk asleep, or in his rage, at game, a-swearing or about some act that has no relish of salvation in it’. However, the other problem which religion creates is that of Hamlets own afterlife. If murder for revenge is wrong then by killing Claudius, Hamlet condemns his own soul along with that of Claudius’. On the other hand, Hamlet is honour bound to exact revenge for his father’s murder, and the consequences of not doing so could be even more drastic. Even suicide offers no solution, as ‘the dread of something after death, the undiscovered country from whose bourn no traveller returns, puzzles the will, and makes us rather bear those ills we have than fly to others we know not of’. Hamlets indecisiveness is not just a result of his uncertainty about the consequences his actions will have. He is in emotional turmoil at this point in the play, and is feeling betrayed and rejected by those whom he had relied on so far in his life. His anger and frustration at his mother’s behaviour is amplified by her lack of grief, and his desire for revenge at the start of the play is mainly fuelled by his own grief and a sense of injustice. His anger towards Claudius diminishes, as he is distracted form revenge by more immediate concerns, such as his relationships with Ophelia and with his mother. Part of Hamlets feelings of isolation stem from what he sees as betrayal by his friends, Rosencrantz and Guildenstern, and his lover Ophelia. Hamlets critical relationship with Claudius forces all three to take sides, and decide to whom they owe the strongest allegiance. Ophelia’s father Polonious, Claudius’ right hand man, instructs her to shun Hamlet and, as his dependant she is forced to obey him. Women were viewed as property during Shakespearian times, and without a male protector her future prospects were slim. Also, the emphasis placed on family duty and loyalty was far greater, so to disobey her father would be tantamount to treason. Rosencrantz and Guildenstern were given a direct order from their king, so to disobey would actually have been treason. Added to this was their ignorance of Hamlets situation due to both Hamlet and Claudius’ deceit, which meant that they were unsympathetic with Hamlets mental instability and obsession with old Hamlets death. Hamlet refuses to recognise the impossible situation his friends were placed in, and resents them for abandoning him when he needs them most, even though it is his feud with Claudius that has forced them to into it. Feeling betrayed, he has no compunctions in using them to further his own gains. All three are, ultimately, fatalities of Hamlets vendetta against Claudius, as Hamlet brings about the deaths of Rosencrantz and Guildenstern and drives Ophelia to madness and suicide. Ophelia especially is very much a victim, as in obeying her father she loses Hamlet, and when Hamlet kills Polonious she loses him as well. With Laertes away, she has no-one left to protect her and is very much alone. In many ways, Hamlet himself is a victim of revenge, as he used as a tool by his father, to instigate revenge against old Hamlets killer. By placing this obligation on Hamlet, on top of all his emotional instability, Old Hamlet effectively pushes his son over the edge and renders him incapable of decisiveness. It is unsurprising that Hamlet is unable to take revenge or in fact make any significant decisions, as he is under considerable emotional and mental strain. Laertes is in a similar situation, as Hamlet his friend has murdered his father and driven his sister to madness. His vulnerable state of mind makes it easy for Claudius to use him as a tool against Hamlet, so the two friends become instruments in the power struggle between the two brothers, a struggle which crosses the divide between life and death. Laertes’ situation resembles Hamlet in other ways. They are joined by their love for Ophelia, Hamlet as a lover and Laertes as a brother. When Laertes returns to find his father murdered, he faces the same dilemma that Hamlet originally had in that, as far as he knew, the king of Denmark had murdered his father. Unlike Hamlet who promptly chose to employ deceit in order to combat Claudius’s deceit, when Laertes discovers this he immediately confronts Claudius. By doing this he achieves his revenge far sooner than Hamlet, but consequently becomes a tool for Claudius against Hamlet. These two revengers differ in their approach to revenge, but ultimately they come to the same end. They both fall victim to the corruption that surrounds the court of Denmark, with Claudius at the centre. Claudius’ use of deceit throughout the play hides the truth under a veil of dishonesty. Claudius uses other people as tools to achieve his aims, so if they fail he escapes the brunt. He uses Polonious, he uses the king of Norway against Fortinbras, and finally he uses Laertes against Hamlet himself. His corrupting influence means that nobody in Denmarck knows the truth, and Hamlets only attempt to break this veil of deceit causes the death of Polonious instead of Claudius. In act 3 scene 3, Shakespeare uses the curtain concealing Polonious as a metaphor for the corruption surrounding Denmark, making it impossible for Hamlet to take revenge as he is unaware of the truth. Though Hamlet tries to cut through the curtain, he fails and ends up killing the wrong man. This shows him that it is no good trying to confront the problem, he must remove the cloak of deceit and reveal Claudius for what he truly is before he can take his revenge. Though Hamlet tries to get around this problem by being deceitful himself, and Laertes tries to confront the problem face on, both end up being used as weapons in a fight that kills them both. The ending of the play is very satisfying despite, or perhaps because of, the deaths of nearly all the characters. For a neat ending, it was necessary that all the characters achieve their revenge, and as there were so many intertwining strands of revenge, it was inevitable that a large proportion of characters would be killed. The play ends with a new beginning, as the corruption at the heart of Denmark dies with Claudius and Hamlet. Hamlet succeeded in taking revenge on Claudius and revealing the truth about his character, and Laertes succeeded in killing Hamlet but died in the process. All this clears the way for Fortinbras, who we see is far more suited to leadership than the indecisive Hamlet. Fortinbras was more successful in his revenge than Hamlet and Laertes for a number of reasons. He is not held back by the dilemma that freezes Hamlet; of having to choose between betraying his fathers trust or losing the throne and alienating everyone he loves. Hamlet is held back by his proximity to Claudius and the situation, whereas Fortinbras is free to act uninfluenced by the people around him. Another factor in Fortinbras’ favour is that, unlike both Hamlet and Laertes, Fortinbras made the decision to take revenge alone, so it was entirely his responsibility. Revenge has to be nurtured in Hamlet and Laertes, and both are used as tools in the ongoing feud between the two brothers. Fortinbras is a man of action, and doesn’t waste time pondering the philosophy behind the revenge mentality, as Hamlet does. And unlike Laertes, he plans and organises his revenge, he doesn’t rush straight into confrontation unprepared. In fact, he represents the best qualities of both of them, so it is fitting that it is he who emerges with not only his life, but the throne of Denmark to go with it.

Government Regulations

Analyzing Government RegulationsWith the economic system the manner it is the demand for human services has been greater than it has of all time been. Peoples unable to happen occupations are turning to authorities run plans like Temporary Aid to Needy Families ( TANF ) , every bit good as nutrient casts and Medicaid to assist them acquire through, and provide much needed pecuniary, medical and nutrient aid now that they can non supply that on their ain. For many, it is excessively late. The stateless population in Colorado Springs is steadily increasing. How is the authorities to cover with such demands in our State ‘s clip of demand?There are thoughts presented by legion single bureaus across America. One that stands out is Ideas for Policymakers and research workers in respect to the turning stateless state of affairs in America prepared by Michelle Wood and Jill Khadduri. Both adult females have researched homelessness and the conducive factors sing TANF and medicaid receiv ers countrywide and have tried to reply these inquiries ( Wood, & A ; Khadduri, Winter 2009 ) . O Does TANF ( Temporary Aid to Needy Families ) and Medicaid determine the hazard for homelessness?O Does TANF and Medicaid protect people from going homeless?o Do people sing homelessness usage TANF and Medicaid in different ways than other low income people? In respect to homelessness, TANF and Medicaid do non supply all financess required to supply significant lodging for households. The fewer family members you have, the less aid and resources you have. Assistance is based on household unit, and income of the household unit. Certain guidelines must be met in order to allow aid to these households in the first topographic point ( Citation ) . Most TANF allowances merely cover a part of what is required to supply stable lodging for households at all. Most if the success of TANF and Medicaid are dependent upon the fiscal accomplishments of the individual having the assistance. â€Å" Since 1994, HUD ( the Department of Housing and Urban Development ) , has encouraged communities to turn to the jobs of homelessness in a co-ordinated, comprehensive, and strategic manner through Continuum of Care ( CoS ) † ( U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, n.d. ) . The CoC is a community program based on the demand to present low-cost lodging to the homeless, and prevent homelessness from happening within a household unit. HUD ‘s mission: â€Å" HUD ‘s mission is to increase homeownership, support community development and increase entree to affordable lodging free from favoritism. To carry through this mission, HUD will encompass high criterions of moralss, direction and answerability and hammer new partnerships — peculiarly with faith-based and community organisations — that purchase resources and better HUD ‘s ability to be effectual on the community degree. † — ( U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, n.d. ) Current obstructions that would be faced would be if support ran out to run the HUD plan for those households with low-income demands. Without these financess HUD is unable to assist those people who meet these income guidelines for decreased rent so they can afford lodging which in bend reduces their hazard for going homeless. HUD in itself will non wholly abolish homelessness, but it ‘s a good start. Unfortunately nevertheless, politicians are the people who determine who is hapless, ill, destitute, unemployed and uncared for ( Burger & A ; Youkeles, 2004 ) and the standards to find such is both political and economical. The truth is, there has to be hapless people in order to equilibrate out the system. These people are needed to absorb costs associated with fiscal assistance, public assistance, and other fiscal assistance depositories, bureaus, and divisions. Without the hapless, how do you cognize who the non-poor are? Ultimately, without enlargement, research, and alteration of policy, assistance to households to assist forestall homelessness would non be in topographic point. Most bureaus do what they can for who they can, but it will ne'er be plenty, there will ever be a turning demand in human services to assist those who can non assist themselves. Keeping that in head, and the turning demands of the thickly settled, it is merely normal to believe that societal policy, and human services continuously change with the times and events of the people and state it serves.MentionsBurger, W. R. , & A ; Youkeles, M. ( 2004 ) . Human Services in Contemporary America ( 6th ed. ) . Belmont, CA: Brooks/Cole—Thomson Learning. Michelle Wood, a. J. ( Winter 2009 ) . Potential Analysiss with Homelessness Data: Ideas for Policymakers and Researchers. Retrieved January 09, 2010, from Department of Health and Human Services: United statess: hypertext transfer protocol: // U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development. ( n.d. ) . Mission. Retrieved January 09, 2009, from U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development: hypertext transfer protocol: // RegulationsThere are many Torahs that surround kids who are victims of kid maltreatment. One of the Torahs is the compulsory coverage jurisprudence. This jurisprudence states that certain people are required to describe any marks of kid maltreatment to governments if they see it. The compulsory newsmans are societal workers, instructors and other school personel, doctors and other wellness attention workers. Other compulsory newsmans are mental wellness professionals, any type of kid attention supplier, medical testers or medical examiners, and jurisprudence enforcement officers. Some provinces require movie or picture taking processors to describe any marks of kid maltreatment in images that are submitted into their labs. Sixteen provinces a nd Puerto Rico require anyone to describe kid abuse regardless of profession. By holding these compulsory newsmans, kid maltreatment is really likely to be found by person and reported. These compulsory newsmans are improbably of import because without them many instances of kid maltreatment would ne'er be found. This jurisprudence has a immense impact on abused kids. By necessitating these people to describe kid abuse many kids are acquiring the aid that they need. Some obstructions that could originate from this jurisprudence is these newsmans non cognizing what they are supposed to look for. If they do n't cognize what to describe things that need to be reported could perchance non be reported and the kid could be in danger. The other side of that is they could surmise something is incorrect and there could really be nil opprobrious about the household. The compulsory newsmans need to be trained to react suitably to child maltreatment instances. They need to be told what marks to look for that suggest kid maltreatment. As clip goes on this jurisprudence will alter as the state of affairss in the universe alteration. There may stop up being more people that are required to describe maltreatment as they see it. Many provinces will stop up adding the other Torahs that some provinces have. Equally much as the universe wants child maltreatment to travel off, it is non traveling to. It will merely acquire worse.BibilographyChidl Welfare Information Gateway, Retrieved January 10,2010 hypertext transfer protocol: //

Monday, July 29, 2019

Yonyous Business Operations in the Software Industry Case Study

Yonyous Business Operations in the Software Industry - Case Study Example The recession led all the software companies to change their business strategies. Likewise, Yonyou also developed its own strategies to sustain in the changing market environment. The investment in the R&D to promote product development eventually worked in company’s favor towards its expansion. Yonyou collaborated with companies like IBM and Atos to develop the cloud computing, which proved to be a step towards the future of IT. Yonyou Software Co. Ltd., headquartered in Beijing, China, is an accounting and ERP software company. It operates in mainland China, Japan, Hong Kong and Thailand. Founded in 1988, Yonyou has been ranked as no. 1 management software provider in China. The company excelled in Chinese markets as it could understand the Chinese management culture closely. In order to streamline its business, the company also outsourced its consulting and implementing services. The information technology industry went through several changes in last five years and all the companies had faced severe downturn or even ceased to exist. However, Yonyou has managed to adapt to the changing environment and sustained in the competitive industry. The growth of management software had slowed down after the great recession and economic crisis in 2008. The management software market in Asia had a much higher growth rate in 2011, although being a small portion of the global market. The manpower and materials cost had increased within the last decade in China, as a result, the companies were bound to adopt the management software system in order to avoid inefficient operations and management. Although, as compared to other developed countries, China still stands behind when it comes to investment in management software. China mentioned in the 18th national congress, that it will follow its own way to implementation of information technology on a national strategic level.

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Ethics in Justice, Law, and Social Control Research Paper

Ethics in Justice, Law, and Social Control - Research Paper Example The law therefore upholds true liberty. The law is meant to prevent a person from causing grave harm to themselves and others where there are no other means of doing so. These are called paternalism laws. This could be either economic physical or even psychological harm. Besides protecting people from harm, there is the moral perspective of the law. This means that something can be prohibited simply because it is wrong. Pollock gives the example of pornography which is prohibited by the law in America (Pollock, 2007). Research has shown that the viewing of pornographic materials does not cause any perceivable harm on the individual, nor does it cause an increase in sexually related crime. Pornography is thus prohibited simply because it is morally wrong. Laws may also be developed because they benefit others. For instance, forest conservation laws prohibit the cutting down of trees not because it would cause harm to the actor or to other but because conservation benefits everyone inc luding generations which are yet to be born. There are conflicts that may arise with the paternalistic laws where some systems give more weight to individual rights allowing people to do some actions, even though they may cause harm to themselves. ... The next time he sees the mayor driving carelessly and possibly being a threat to the safety of other road users. In this case, if the police officer stops the mayor and gives her another ticket, he would get in trouble with his boss. If he, however, ignores the mayor and in an unfortunate incidence the mayor causes an accident on the road, the police officer would be accountable for that accident since he would have failed in his duty of upholding the law. In this situation, the most ethical thing that the police should do would be to stop the mayor and kindly warn her for over-speeding and again give her a ticket. This is because letting her drive that dangerously not only puts her life in danger but also puts the lives of other road users at risk. Since the mayor knows that she has the support of the captain, she is more likely to continue breaking more traffic rules. Being in a position of power does not mean that one should break the laws that have been put in place to protect t he rights of everyone. Such an action would definitely put the police officer in an awkward position with the captain. Conversely, the captain is not his ultimate boss, and there are other senior people whom he reports to and who may not condone such behavior. In case the captain punishes the officer for upholding by the law, the officer should ensure that he keeps all evidences of this case in order to prove his innocence to the seniors. Although corruption has been seen to be a common occurrence especially in our large cities, stopping it requires that all actions be guided by the law (Pollock, 2007). Not all judges or senior officers are corrupt and any officer should focus on doing the right thing and protecting the people as is stated in their job

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Museums and Utopian thought Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 500 words

Museums and Utopian thought - Essay Example When considering art objects it’s clear that they have a distinct source of power over people. Kirshenblatt-Gimblet (2000) articulates a notion of art objects as taking on powerful symbolic elements when viewed as message of representatives of social relations among people. In terms of art objects, one of the primary power sources is clearly the nature of their inclusion within the museum. The inclusion of the art into the museum or gallery format imbues the object with an institutional or social sense of recognition. Notably, Kirshenblatt-Gimblet (2000, p. 7) states, â€Å"the museum tends to be conserving and conservative institution, subject to the catalyzing effects of avant- garde artists that engage and attempt to destabilize its very premises on the premises†¦to appeal to a wider public.† This is a contrasting understanding of the meaning or ‘power’ of the art object, as gaining its significance from its resistance of cooptation of the museum or gallery, with the museum acting as a catalyst to this resistance. Still, it is ultimately the institution of the museum that motivates or ‘catalyzes’ this meaning, ultimately giving the object its power. Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (2004) proposes a vision of the museum as a history of utopian thought. In many regards, it’s clear that the museum does act as a sort exemplification of utopian ideals. This notion follows two modes of thought, as both the structural nature of the museum itself is recognized as encouraging this utopian identification, as well as the idealistic intentions of the artwork within the museum. In terms of physical elements of the museum consider Kirshenblatt-Gimblett (2004, p. 1) who states, The museum is at once an architectural form, a concrete environment for reflection, a reservoir of tangibilities, a school for the senses, a space of

Friday, July 26, 2019

Technology in Literacy Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Technology in Literacy - Essay Example f civilization, as an individual can only progress if he or she has the ability to read and write, thereby gaining knowledge and experience about the dynamics of life and the world in general (Kemp 3). The definition of literacy does not stop at the ability to read and write, but extends to include the capacity of an individual to exercise all the knowledge and skills that they gain through reading and writing to shape the course of their lives, or draw up their destinies. As such, literacy becomes a flexible collection of closely linked strategies and skills to the context and purpose of learning and progress. In such a manner, technology comes in a revolutionary way to define the manner or style by which these individual acquire the capacity to read or write. The effect of technology under these considerations is whether it enables many people to acquire literacy, or spoils the same effort of literacy acquisition by exposing these individuals to knowledge and skills far beyond their understanding. In such a case, technology ends up being a pitfall rather than a ladder to the advancement of literacy in the modern world (Felderman and Vasquez 45). The research to establish the effect of technology in literacy used both qualitative, as well as, quantitative methods to discern the degree of influence. The participants in the research involved both the old and the young, in different geographical settings. A group of old men and women, both from town and from the rural settlements took part in the research, and similarly to the young boys and girls of the same age group and from different backgrounds. This enabled the researcher to collect the honest opinions of each side of the market and determine the true effects of technology in the advancement of literacy. Analysis of data was particular in establishing the level of gains made by literacy due to incorporation of technology, as well as, the negative effects of the inclusion of technology in the advancement of

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Hospice Care Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1000 words

Hospice Care - Essay Example Although the modern hospice care started in the 17th century, it was Dame Cicely Saunders who pioneered the foundational principles of the modern hospices in the 1950s. The movement of hospice care, which has met with several types of criticisms through its development, has enjoyed a rapid expansion in the UK, the US and several other nations. "Pioneered in England, hospice took root in the United States during the 1970s and was added as a benefit to the Medicare program in the early 1980s. Its origins lie in a grassroots movement that lay outside the medical mainstream and was informed by an ethic of compassion, dignity, and service. More or less self-consciously, hospice care was initially designed for people who were dying of cancer, and who had a functional family support system and a home where they could be cared for away from the high-tech hospital environment. Over time, the vision and the values of the hospice movement have developed and matured." (What Is Hospice Care 2003, p 6). The movement of hospice care has undergone development through various stages in the history of nursing and it is essential to compare and contrast nursing role, processes, etc during the twentieth century and early twenty first century. The various stages of the development of the hospice care include the periods 1920-1929, 1930-1945, 1946-1959, 1960-1975, and 1976 to present, and the nursing role, processes, etc in the hospice care has improved through these stages. In the health care industry, hospice has been a considerably newcomer, although the origins of hospice are in antiquity. The modern hospice care program has its origin in the mid-1960s in the founding of St Christopher's Hospice in England. The hospice movement has been significant development in health care industry as it has provided several strategies for the treatment of people who are no longer candidates for curative or rehabilitation services. "Traditions of kindness for sick and dying patients are to be found in all societies from antiquity. The beginning of the modern hospice movement is usually attributed to Dame Cicely Saunders, who founded St Christopher's Hospice in London in 1967. Two years later Elizabeth Kubbler Ross published her book, On Death and Dying, based on her experiences talking with dying patients in a Chicago hospital In 1953 the first advanced mammal, a dog named Knowsy (because he knew what was on the 'other side') was successfully resuscitated. Further advances in resuscitation and advanced life-support led to the propagation of cardiopulmonary resuscitation (CPR) and intensive care units during the early 1960s." (Hallenbeck, 2003, p 3). Therefore, the modern hospice movement has undergone vital improvements since its founding and the role of the nurses as well as the process of the care has gone through various stages. In a reflective analysis of the history of hospice care in the twentieth century, one realizes that there have been several developments in this nursing care with regard to the role of the nurses and the process of the care. Significantly, hospice can be comprehended as a philosophy of caring which respects and values the dignity and worth of every human being. Therefore, a good hospice care may be understood as the practical expression of the personal and professional commitment in the nursing care. Hospice care, which is meant for people approaching

Management, People and Organisations - Managing the United Kingdom Essay

Management, People and Organisations - Managing the United Kingdom National Health Service - Essay Example The management of NHS has been faced with challenges from the government, public and within its own organization. The government and public requires the organization to deliver more and build trust however provisional support not sufficient. The essay analyzes symptoms in order to recognize problems and provide alternatives solutions. It deliberates the organizational issues underlying these difficulties and suggests vicissitudes believed conducive to making a high performance organization. In addition, it explores NHS organizational administration methods, structure and culture morals from a conjectural background (MARTIN, 2005). It summarizes the prominence of managing these issues communally in an unstable atmosphere to accomplish goals. It discloses internal and external factors that encourage change in organizations. The problems faced by United Kingdom National Health Service are not unique to any organization offering service. Management requires designing and maintaining an atmosphere that individuals, working as teams, efficiently achieve selected goals. The key objective of management is to ensure things are done by the people, through generating a suitable setting in which they can attain organizational goals. The case study reveals that many clinicians have indulged in managerial duties besides their existing role, in an attempt to bring a difference. This engrossment in management can be time overwhelming and actually clashes with their professional roles. It is understandable that many of the indications which the case study proves can be directly linked to conflict of roles or better say conflict of interest. This proves lack of professionalism since each player in an organization should adhere to their duties and do them to their best. Organization should define each role of players and governing principles to ensure quality. It is evident that role issue is a major management problem for the NHS. In any specified role, there

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Criminology -Differential Association + Institutional Anomie Theories Essay

Criminology -Differential Association + Institutional Anomie Theories - Essay Example Agnew assumes that individuals from all social classes engage in crime, as all are geared towards success and economic fulfilment. In fact, the general strain theory should not be confined to economic fulfilment as whether from a low social class or higher, individuals would rebel if what they own is taken away from them and their success therefore hampered or in cases of negative emotions. In such a case therefore, the poor will have to steal or rob in order to recover the lost property or be at the same social level with the rest of the members of the community, while those in a higher social class would engage in fraud or embezzlement of funds, in most cases at the work place so that they can keep being rich; so as to be able to deal with the negative emotions that are as a result of the strain they experience. He further argues that an individual’s inability to achieve the success they aspire, in terms of money can lead to strain and therefore push someone into engaging in crime. He also says, â€Å"Many middle and upper class people in the United States want more money than they can have and obtain through legitimate channels†. Therefore, this strain on an individual to attain monetary success is what pushes them to engage in white-collar crime so that they can deal with the strain completely; mostly in cases where they are not offered solutions for the strain they are experiencing. An individual may for instance fake various documents in order to land a new lucrative job they have always wished to have. This is fraud, which is a white collar-crime. In relation to the general strain theory, white collar crime, just like any other criminal activity is as a result of the negative emotions one has when what they want or need is not being achieved. Fraud and embezzlement of funds for instance in most cases takes place in

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

What were the chief charactistics of the Renaissance Consider Essay

What were the chief charactistics of the Renaissance Consider artistic, intellectual and civic innovations - Essay Example Art styles such as naturalism was developed by the Greeks which involved painting the human body in the nude. Oil paint was invented. Other artists such as Donatello worked using marble and bronze. Ceramic clay was also used. Artists such as Raphael, Michelangelo, and da Vinci emerged in the late 1400’s and early 1500’s. One of the famous paintings of the time was the Mona Lisa. Northern Renaissance painters such as Jan Van Eyck also emerged. Eyck invented the oil glazing technique. This technique replaced the egg-tempera which was used earlier. Innovations were also made in the field of science. Nicolas Copernicus made an attempt to prove that the sun was at the center of the solar system and not the earth. It was this theory by Copernicus that led to other discoveries such as those of Galileo, Kepler and Newton. This was the most important discovery made during the Renaissance. Humanism can be defined as the general idea that man is uniquely different from other types of beings and as such can develop his own culture. It involved the urge to know more about the heritages of Rome and Greece. People were of the belief that a lot could be learnt from the past. One of the most renowned humanists was Niccolo Machiavelli who brought about new ideas of conducting politics. Humanism advocated for a change in how things were done. It encouraged a shift from a contemplative way of life to an active life. In general, the renaissance period brought about a new age and a new way of conducting activities. It was the birth of a new school of thought and a new breed of artists, philosophers and scientists. It brought about the momentum that spurred further

Monday, July 22, 2019

Has Our Political System Succeeded Essay Example for Free

Has Our Political System Succeeded Essay The political system began with the Declaration of Independence written by Thomas Jefferson on July 4, 1776. After that document the Articles of Confederation came out, which were adopted in 1777. The Articles of Confederation was the first attempt to set up a government in the US. Then our Constitution came out in 1787,it was made into three plans: the Virginia Plan, New Jersey Plan, and then the Connecticut compromise. Four things our Constitution accomplished were indirect democracy, limited government, checks and majority rule, and an outline of what the different branches of government do. The US two main parties are Republican and Democrat. The Democratic Party was founded in 1828, and the Republican party was founded in 1854. Our political system has succeeded in many forms. One form would be our checks and balances within the federal government and on a local level. Provisions have been improved over the years to regulate proper placement of funds and equal rights to citizens. The origin of our political system begins with congress. The main responsibilities of congress are making laws, overseeing the FBI and CIA, casework, representing their districts, setting an agenda, and conflict resolution. Our society has relied upon a bicameral system, where there have been a House of Representatives and a Senate. Some of the responsibilities of the House of Representatives include reviewing bills and beginning the impeachment process. The Senates duties include giving advice and consenting on treaties, conducting impeachment trials, and appointing upper-level judicial officers. Where I feel our political system has not done so well is with bureaucrats. Bureaucracy has some positive aspects like specialization, making sure rules and regulations are carried out, and neutrality. There are two types of bureaucrats. The first one is a civil servant who is hired based on merit, and the second one is a political appointee who is selected based on whom they know. It is a common issue that bureaucrats are given too much power and that they abuse those powers, which causes flaws in our political system. It does, however, seem that bureaucrats are vital for the functioning of any political system; they are generally not well liked, though. Several attempts to reform bureaucracy have been made, such as the Sunshine laws, which are laws that dictated that agencies have to be conducted in the public eye. Privatization is another reform where the government turns over more jobs to private sectors. A good change for our society was when the Government Performance and Results Act of 1997 were introduced. This sought to improve governmental efficiency by making agencies describe their goals and create mechanisms for evaluating their goals. Overall, our political system has proven to be stable and has succeeded. Of course, there are going to be positive and negative aspects, but, at the end, for what our nation has had to deal with in the past 228 years, we have done far better than any other country.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Factors Affecting Animal Growth

Factors Affecting Animal Growth Modern cattle are descendants of Bos indicus and Bos Taurus (Gillespie, 1992). According to Lawrie (1991) these breeds are believed to be descended from Bos primigenius, the wild cattle. The last representative of the wild species died in Poland in 1627 (Zeuner, 1963). Lawrie (1991) reported that domestication of cattle followed the establishment of settled agriculture about 5000 B.C. and domestication of hump-back cattle (Bos indicus) existed in Mesopotamia by 4500 B.C. Garner (1944) stated that the immediate predecessor of majority of the breeds of British cattle was Bos longifrons, which was of relatively small frame rather than Bos primigenius which is massive in size. The development of many present British breeds was due to the early improvements initiated by Bakewell in the middle of the eighteenth century, who introduced in-breeding, the use of proven sires, selection and culling (Lawrie, 1991). Since 1790, the focus on cattle improvement is towards smaller, younger and leaner animals; and there has been growing realization that breed potentialities will not be fully manifested without adequate food given at the right time in the growth pattern of the animal (Hammond, 1932a). Lawrie (1991) suggested that a beef animal should be well covered with flesh, blocky and compact-thus reducing the proportion of bone whereas in a dairy animal the frame should be angular with relatively little flesh cover, the body should be cylindrical thus accommodating the large digestive tract necessary for efficient conversion of food into milk and mammary tissue should be markedly developed. Aberdeen Angus has been regarded as the premier breed for good-quality meat (Gerrard, 1951). Lawrie (1991) reported that one of the reasons for the good eating quality of the Aberdeen Angus is its tenderness which is due to the small size of the muscle bundles, smaller animals having smaller bundles. Good-quality meat can also be attained by feeding concentrates such as barley to beef cattle (Preston et al., 1963). Efforts have been made to cross various breeds of Bos indicus (Zebu cattle) with British breeds, to combine the heat resisting properties of the former with the meat-producing characteristics of the latter (Lawrie, 1991). Unfortunately, unusual breeds of cattle are found within a normal breed: dwarf Snorter cattle occur within various breeds in U.S.A., and pronounced muscular hypertrophy, which is often more noticeable in the hind quarters and explains the name doppelender given to the condition, arises in several breeds e.g. Charollais and South Devon (McKellar, 1960). Recessive genes are thought to be responsible in both cases (Lawrie, 1991). FACTORS AFFECTING THE GROWTH AND DEVELOPMENT OF CATTLE Lawrie (1991) reported that as an animal grows two things happen: first, it increases in weight until mature size is reached; this is called growth and secondly it changes in its body conformation, shapes and its various functions and faculties come into full being; this is referred to as development. Genetic factors According to Lawrie (1991) several economically important traits in meat animals are heritable to some degree and can thus be selected for by breeding. In cattle, certain growth features are controlled by recessive genes which have not so far been controlled, complicating breeding. One such trait is dwarfism; another is the doppelender or double muscling condition, which causes muscle hypertrophy and thereby increases the animals commercial value (Lawrie and Ledward, 2006). Genetic analysis continues to reveal the genetic mechanisms that control numerous aspects of the endocrine system and, through it, meat growth and quality as concluded by Lawrie and Ledward (2006). Genetic engineering techniques can shorten breeding programmes significantly because they allow for the identification and isolation of genes coding for desired traits, and for the reincorporation of these genes into the animal genome as reported by Lawrie and Ledward. Experimental reproductive cloning of commercially important meat animals such as sheep, pig or cattle has been successful. The multiple asexual reproductions of animals bearing desirable traits can thus be anticipated, although this is not yet practical on a commercial scale. Environmental Factors Heat regulation in livestock especially cattle is of great economic significance, because mammals attempt to maintain a constant optimal body temperature (Lawrie and Ledward, 2006). Low temperatures tend to prolong animal development and high temperatures tend to retard it. Depending on their size, body shape and insulation through tissue and fur, some animals have a relatively narrow zone of temperature tolerance and others (e.g. cattle) a broad one. Static magnetic fields, for reasons still unknown, also retard animal development. Nutritional Factors Acker and Cunningham (1991) reported that the quality and quantity of usable meat depends on the animals plane of nutrition, i.e., whether it is over or underfed. The composition of the diet, especially the amount of protein provided, is also an important factor regulating animal growth and development (Wardlaw, 2000). Cattle digest cellulose which is better adapted to poor-quality diets, but their ruminal microorganisms degrade high-quality protein if supplied in excess, because producing high-quality protein animal feed is expensive. Several techniques are employed or experimented with to ensure maximum utilization of protein. These include the treatment of feed with formalin to protect amino acids during their passage through the rumen, the recycling of manure by feeding it back to cattle mixed with feed concentrates, or the partial conversion of petroleum hydrocarbons to protein through microbial action (Gillespie, 1998). In plant feed, environmental factors influence the availability of crucial nutrients or micronutrients, a lack or excess of which can cause a great many ailments. In Australia, for instance, where the soil contains limited phosphate, cattle are being fed additional phosphate to increase the efficiency of beef production. Also in Australia, cattle and sheep in certain areas were often found losing their appetite and dying in the midst of rich pasture; this was at length found to be a result of cobalt deficiency in the soi (Acker and Cunningham, 1991). Gillespie (1998) stated that plant toxins are also a risk to grazing animals; for instance, fluoracetate, found in some African and Australian plants, kills by disrupting the cellular metabolism. Certain man-made pollutants such as methyl mercury and some pesticide residues present a particular hazard due to their tendency to bioaccumulate in meat, potentially poisoning consumers. SLAUGHTERING AND KILLING OF CATTLE Slaughtering Religious slaughtering The Welfare of Animals (Slaughter or Killing) Regulations 1995 (as amended) (WASK) require that all animals are stunned before slaughter, using the methods of stunning prescribed by the Regulations, subject to specific exemptions. One of these exemptions refers to slaughter without the infliction of unnecessary suffering by the Jewish method for the food of Jews; or by the Muslim method for the food of Muslims, provided the requirements for the licensing of slaughter men under the Regulations are met. Since a complete bleed is necessary, cattle are not stunned before bleeding (Donin, 1972). Religious issues surrounding slaughter without pre-stunning were explored in detail in the FAWC report on religious slaughter published in 1985 and have not been reiterated in this report. Council has taken account of relevant information generated since then in drawing its conclusions. Jewish method The Jewish method of slaughtering animals for food (Shechita) requires that they be healthy at the time of slaughter and must not have suffered any physical injury. For this reason, pre-slaughter stunning methods that are judged to cause physical injuries prior to cutting the throat have been considered unacceptable for this slaughter method. Cattle are restrained in an upright position in a specialized pen with the head held fast and the neck exposed in a suitable position for incision of the throat. A transverse cut is made using a reciprocal, uninterrupted motion of the knife. The intention is to produce an immediate outpouring of blood by severing both jugular veins and both carotid arteries. The knife used for cattle has a long, extremely sharp and undamaged blade. After the cut has been made the animal must remain restrained until it is bled out before being released, shackled and hoisted. With Rabbinical approval some premises have adopted a post-cut stun for cattle. The Islamic method The Muslim method of slaughter (Halal) is, in many respects, similar to Shechita. However, pre-slaughter stunning methods for cattle and sheep that have been demonstrated not to kill the animal, such that the heart is still beating, have been deemed acceptable and have routinely been adopted in many Halal slaughterhouses. The level of restraint required to expose the throat, perform an effective cut and hold the animal still until it has bled out is greater than is needed for conventional slaughter. The restraining pens used for this purpose require Ministerial approval. This is designed to protect bovine animals from any avoidable pain, suffering, agitation, injuries or contusions in the pen and in particular to ensure effective means of restraint and support (WASK). The design and operation of restraining pens are assessed by the SVS before Ministerial approval is given. Humane slaughtering Cattle are slaughtered by being first stunned and then exsanguinated (bled out). Death results from the one or the other procedure, depending on the methods employed. Stunning can be effected through asphyxiating the animals with carbon dioxide, shooting them with a gun or a captive bolt pistol, or shocking them with electric current as reported by Lawrie and Ledward (2006). According to Lawrie (1991) draining as much blood as possible from the carcass is necessary because blood causes the meat to have an unappealing appearance and is a very good breeding ground for microorganisms. The exsanguination is accomplished by severing the carotid artery and the jugular vein in cattle and sheep, and the anterior vena cava in pigs. Bleeding According to Beinempaka et al., (1990) the neck of the animal is cut and it is allowed to bleed by hoisting it up. They also reported that adequate bleeding is essential to reduce meat spoilage since blood is a good source of moisture and nutrition for most of the contaminating organisms. This indicates that the amount of blood retained in the beef determines the degree of spoilage of the beef. Panda, (1986) reported that the amount of blood drained out from different types of birds vary depending on the stunning technique and physiological condition of the cattle. Deskinning and dressing This process of deskinning is done manually or mechanical and manual at the same time. The mechanical and manual ones are normally done at the abattoirs. This involves using a sharp knife to deskin the animal while the machine pulls the skin off the animal. Dressing involves the opening of the carcass to remove the internal organs (Beinempaka et al., 1990). Care must be taken in removing the intestines, as an unintentional incision may result in the distribution of fecal bacteria onto carcass possibly contaminating the beef (Borch and Arinder, 2002). Washing Following the deskinning and dressing stage is the washing stage. It involves using a stream of water which removes dirt and the amount of blood retained in the carcass. This helps in reducing microbial load present on the carcass. Chilling This is done immediately after the preparation of the carcass and must last for as short a time as possible to avoid bacterial proliferation (Gracey, 1986). Nester et al., (2001) stated that chilling inhibits the growth of micro-organisms such as Escherichia coli and Salmonella spp at temperature below 3-50C. Chilling in a common bath may result in cross-contamination from Escherichia and Salmonella carriers to free carcasses (Cross et al., 1988). NUTRITIVE VALUE OF BEEF The use of lean and clean beef is advisable to include in diet, it could be as an ingredient in stews or traditional recipes. Beef is a popular meat rich in protein, being a red meat had always made it a bad food when it comes to studies and researches (Owen et al., 2005). Wardlaw, (2000) stated that, a lean beef adds to health benefits related to heart and prevention of cancer. As a matter of fact, no one can deny that beef is an important source of protein. Beef is found to be very rich in Iron, Zinc, Selenium, Phosphorus, Potassium and Magnesium. Sodium and Copper are found in good quantities. However, minute quantities of Calcium and Manganese are also present. According to Acker and Cunningham (1991), beef is one of the best sources for Vitamin B12, Vitamin B6 Niacin and Riboflavin. However, it is also rich in Thiamin and Pantothenic Acid. Small amounts of Vitamin E, Vitamin K and Foliate are present. According to Owen et al., (2005) the calorie count of Beef per 100 gm is 155.0; it is meat which is higher in protein and moderate in fat. Beef is good for bones and teeth. It enhances immunity against infections of ear etc., and prevents blood vessel walls from damaging. Moderate consumption of lean beef is altogether good for cardiovascular health and to prevent cancer risks. The amount of fat in beef carcasses has decreased compared to what it was during the middle of the twentieth century; beef contains about 6 percent less fat (Gillespie, 1998). FRESHNESS OF DRESSED BEEF Beef is a perishable product and may cause public health concerns. Fresh beef is most likely to spoil before it will cause food-borne diseases (Gill, 1998). For preserved meat the opposite may be the case, where micro-organisms have been eliminated. There is the tendency to use milder preservation methods either because of energy saving, because of consumers preference for mildly cured or cooked products, or their desire for having more fresh beef products or because of an aversion to the use of preservatives (Panda, 1995). According to Lawrie and Ledward (2006) in order to satisfy these demands, it will be necessary for meat industry to improve microbial monitoring of production including hygiene and to formulate processes which will give minimal variation in their results. Although intensive work is being carried out by meat industries to find substitutes for known processes with equivalent inactivation or inhibition of microbial froth, no overall acceptable alternative seems to be readily available (Gracey, 1986). QUALITY OF BEEF The quality grades are based on the degree of marbling (intramuscular fat) in the beef, and the maturity of the animal at slaughter (USDA, 2007). A quality grade is a composite evaluation of factors that affect palatability of meat; tenderness, juiciness, and flavor. These factors include carcass maturity, firmness, texture, and color of lean, and the amount and distribution of marbling within the lean. Beef carcass quality grading is based on degree of marbling and degree of maturity (Hale et al., 2007). Texture Meat from less tender cuts or older cattle can be mechanically tenderized by forcing small, sharp blades through the cuts to disrupt the proteins (Denver, 2003). Also, solutions of exogenous proteolytic enzymes such as papain, bromelin or ficin can be injected to augment the endogenous enzymes (USDA, 2007). Similarly, solutions of salt and sodium phosphates can be injected to soften and swell the myofibrillar proteins. This improves juiciness and tenderness. Flavour Evaporation concentrates the remaining proteins and increases flavor intensity; the molds can contribute a nut-like flavor. The majority of the tenderizing effect occurs in the first 10 days, although two to three days allow significant effects. Boxed beef, stored and distributed in vacuum packaging, is, in effect, wet aged during distribution. Premium steakhouses dry age for 21 to 28 days or wet age up to 45 days for maximum effect on flavor and tenderness.. Salt can improve the flavor, but phosphate can contribute a soapy flavor. SOURCES OF CONTAMINATION OF BEEF Lawrie (1991) suggested that contamination of beef is a continuing possibility from the moment of bleeding until consumption. Contamination of beef from the moment of bleeding until consumption is from microbial to physical contamination. The microbiological contamination of carcasses occurs mainly during processing and manipulation, such as skinning, evisceration, storage and distribution at slaughterhouses and retail establishments (Gill, 1998; Abdalla et al., 2009). Fecal matter was a major source of contamination and could reached carcasses through direct deposition, as well as by indirect contact through contaminated and clean carcasses, equipment, workers, installations and air (Borch and Arinder, 2002). Cattle slaughter operations, such as bleeding, dressing and evisceration, expose sterile muscle to microbiological contaminants that were present on the skin, the digestive tract and in the environment (Gill and Jones, 1999; Bacon et al.,2000). Moreover, dirty workers hands, clothes and equipments of the slaughterhouse and at the market by retailers act as intermediate sources of contamination of meat (Gill, 1998; Gilmour et al., 2004; AbdelSadig, 2006; Abdalla et al., 2009). Also, handling and storage of beef contribute effectively to meat contamination (Beinempaka et al., 1990). The storage place should be clean and preferably cold (400F). Any temperature above will contribute to microbial growth which act on the meat and cause spoilage whereas the beef must be handled with proper care. METHODS OF MINIMIZING CONTAMINATION OF BEEF Rangaswani (1983) reported that meat quality could be enhanced and prolonged when the causes of microbial contamination are drastically reduced or removed altogether. He stated further that quality and wholesomeness of meat depend on many factors of which the following are part: Source of Beef Meat from abattoir slaughtered animals and well established farms generally have less bacteria counts than meat from backyard slaughtered animals because at the abattoir or farm, all the necessary safety and hygiene consideration are undertaken. The level of infection is thus minimized unlike backyard slaughtered animals where animals are killed and dressed on the floor with no better hygiene condition (Zeigler, 1966). Health of Animals Beef from healthy animals keep longer than beef from diseased cattle. This is so because beef from healthy animals are more likely to be free from any microbes unlike diseased cattle. Zeigler (1966) reported that veterinary inspection should be the priority when animals are being slaughtered since it will be proven whether animals are free from any diseases. Method of Slaughter Meat from bruised animals, improperly bled animals, meat contaminated with faeces during evisceration and meat soiled with dirt from skin tends to spoil early. The normal micro flora from the skin of carcasses includes Salmonella spp., Staphylococcus aureus, and Escherichia coli and organisms of fecal origin (Cross and Overby, 1988). The source of these organisms is not clearly understood but in addition to contamination from the skin and intestines, equipments and tools during slaughter and selling of beef may be responsible for some contamination. To avoid further contamination, potable water should be used for rinsing carcasses and surfaces coming into contact with meat and offal. PRESERVATION OF BEEF According to Panda (1995) preservation or meat can be done by adopting several techniques among which are refrigeration, dehydration, curing, smoking, canning, irradiation, microwave heating and use of chemical additives including antibiotics. Refrigeration Refrigeration includes cold storage and frozen storage. In cold storage a temperature between 00C to 70C is employed and in frozen storage at between 150C to 170C (Panda, 1995). Controlled temperature assists in preventing quality loss and maintaining shelf life of the product. Proper air circulation in addition to maintenance of air temperature prevents mould growth and controlled air composition provides fresh air and avoids development of extraneous odour out of undesirable gases. Moisture control assists in preventing excessive dehydration of the product stored (Panda, 1986). Smoking Smoking helps in preserving beef by acting as an antioxidant, bactericidal agent and providing a protective covering on the surface. Smoking also imparts specific flavour to meat. Various types of wood used for generating smoke also impart different flavour to the finished product. However, the best type of wood which could be exploited for producing quality smoked beef is hard wood. Smoke also influences the colour of the smoked beef. Curing This is a process of preserving meat. It is done to preserve and maintain red colour of the meat and also to add flavour. This ingredients used include common salt, sodium nitrate or nitrite, sugar and spices (Beinempaka et al., 1990). Therefore selection of curing formulation is extremely important while using it, as long as large amounts of salt or spice will mask the flavour of meat. The functions of these curing agents are different. Salts assists in preservation of meat while influencing the flavour and texture. Sugar adds to the flavour while checking the drying and toughening effect and nitrate provide the desired pink colour to it (Panda, 1995). Chemical Additives Gill (1998) stated that fresh beef in intact carcass is not severely contaminated except for its surfaces and skinning. However, as it is minced for utilization in further processed products, the solution changes. As the beef gets exposed, added bacterial contamination from hands of operators and machineries used occurs (Borch and Arinder, 2002). According to Panda (1995) the use of additives in beef extends the life of the beef and has a little effect on the colour, flavour and texture. PACKAGING AND STORAGE If the beef is to be used for processing, then it is taken straight to the meat cutting and industries to be processed. If they are to be stored for use at a later stage, these are properly packed in suitable polythene bags and kept inside a deep freeze maintained at 15-180C. Panda (1995) reported that the packaging material used for packaging the beef should be colourless, transparent and of adequate strength to safeguard the dressed beef packed during handling and transportation. Also, the packaging material should not transfer any harmful substances to the packed material. The major objectives in using the packaging material is that it should provide optimum protection to the product packed inside it and to maintain wholesomeness for its anticipated shelf life, while preventing physical, microbial and insect damage with appropriate properties and capacity to preserve its nutritive value in an acceptable way and other quality factors, important in the marketing channel (Panda, 1995). Various types of primary and secondary containers as well as flexible material are being used for packing beef products. Primary container is one which is in direct contact with the food item. The secondary container is the outer box or wrap that holds the primary units of food such as jars, cans, tins flexible packages which have no direct contact with the food item. Some of the various types of packaging material used for beef packaging include tins, cans, glass, plastic films and laminates.

Biomedical Model of Health

Biomedical Model of Health Name: Erica Rogers-Compton Per the World Health Organisation 1948 constitution, Health is a state of complete physical, mental and social wellbeing with not merely the absence of disease or infirmity. In the middle of the nineteenth century, biomedicine was considered to be an essential model, it was used by the healthcare practitioners, in order to identify disease (Lupton, 2012). The biomedical model of health focused on how the human body works and how infection can be controlled, or cured by means of medical intervention. It provided the support on which the establishment of healthcare system is founded within societies; there have however been numerous uncertainties related to its impact on the common health pattern, as most of the health determinants are more environmental and social. The World Health Organisation (WHO), term biomedical model of health emphasises completely on biological determinants and eliminates all environmental, psychological and social influences. Moreover, Deacon (2013) has claime d that, since the last two centuries, biomedical model of health is viewed as a reductionist approach in the Western countries. In this method, illness is supposed to be caused by infections or injury and there is neglect to the socio-economic, psychological and environmental influences. In the course of the most recent two centuries the biomedical model has been enormously tested by researchers in the medicinal and sociological field. This feedback was realised by the intense increment in the therapeutic costs. Mettler (2016) conducted in which he discussed that the viability of the medicinal model has been over accentuated. He additionally contended that the lessening in the demise rate, which occurred a few years back inside the created world was impacted by great dietary pattern and appropriate cleanliness than it was with inoculation (vaccinations), and other social insurance intercession. This view was supported through the re-evaluation of the spending operating cost and money on medicinal services framework, which prompted only wastage. Moreover, Darlow, et al. (2012), has also mentioned that rather than medication giving a healing help to the masses, it added more to their issue by presenting what is called Iatrogenesis which signifies Specialist created ill ness, for illustration, the result impact of utilising medication and some destructive impact of surgery. It is faulted the medicinal services suppliers and the pharmaceutical organizations of creating the social Iatrogenesis. This brought into spotlight utilization of human services item which was brought on by increment wellbeing need. He likewise affirmed that the arrangement of medicalisation additionally achieved what we call social iatrogenesis, which implies that the healthcare organization has taken individuals off the capacity to adapt the illness and pain. Additionally, Rotheram-Borus, et al. (2012), has claimed that person ought to attempt to maintain a strategic distance from the control of medication over their lives. He guaranteed that the restraining infrastructure of solution over cure ought to be halted, so individuals can settle on choice on their lifestyle. Critically; The biomedical model of illness received by society can have vital outcomes. In the primary world war, for instance, officers griping of side effects in the wake of encountering serious issues were once in a while shot as malingerers (pretending to be sick), however today they are considered casualties and qualified for money related settlements or Social acknowledgment that a conducted or reported manifestation constitutes a sickness offers benefits on an individual and formal obligations on society. Presently, most models of illness accept a causal connection amongst illness and disease, the apparent state of weakness felt by a person. Social wellbeing convictions and models of sickness decide the apparent significance of side effects and the ensuing utilisation of therapeutic resources. The thought that a particular disease underlies overall illness has prompted medicalisation of regularly experienced atypical sensations and frequently doubt of patients who represent with illness without any verifiable process of disease. In spite of their significance, biomedical models of health are once in a while expressly discussed about or characterised. The regularly disapproval however incidentally overwhelming twentieth century biomedical models begin from Virchows decision that all ailment comes about because of abnormalities of cells of a human body. The biomedical model distinctly significant for some infection based diseases, has instinctive advances, and is supported by an abundance of underneath natural and scientific findings. By grasping reductionism, in any case, biomedical models of ailment consolidate a few firmly related arrangements of principles. These can be outlined as: All sickness, indications and signs emerge from a basic irregularity inside the body (generally in the working or structure of particular organs), alluded to as an infection or disease, all infections offer ascent to indications, finally if not primarily, and even though different elements may impact the outcomes of the illness , they are not identified with its manifestations or developments, wellbeing is the nonappearance of illness or disease, mental experience, for example, emotional delusions and depression, are separate from and associated to the other types of disturbances of functions within the human body, the patient is a casualty of situation with practically no liability regarding the nearness or reason for the illness, and the patient is an inactive receiver of treatment, in spite of the fact that collaboration with treatment is normal. A wide range of models of disease exist, starting in professions, specialties, and elsewhere. The social model essentially concentrates on the causation of incapacity by society instead of the entire range of illness. The bio-psychosocial model is maybe the most popular. Over 400 Medline titles incorporate the word, and it is progressively utilised as a part of numerous zones of medicine. As compare to the biomedical model, it perceives that mental and social components impact a patients discernments and activities and thusly the experience of what it feels like to be ill.à ¢Ã¢â€š ¬Ã¢â‚¬ ¹ In Britain, Carrier (2015) reported that, it was evaluated that around 10% of individuals hospitalised experience some sort of iatrogenisis, which is equal to about 850.000 event for each year. Wellbeing is said to be exceedingly medicalised in this model which prompted a general perspective of individuals (Carrier, 2015). Ogden (2012), reported this reality about restorative locale by referring to a case of labor. This was detracted from ladies by the establishment of drug by guaranteeing that by the 1970s all youngster conveyance occurred in the healing facility. This activity made pregnant ladies to be taken care of like a wiped out individual. In this regard an ordinary educational affair was transformed into a restorative issue, which requires the help of the medicinal group (Ogden, 2012). The model concentrates for the most part on the mending procedure which is off guard to anticipation and wellbeing advancement mind nearer to the people. Travis, (2014) expressed that biomedicine has declined to recognise the way that the human body is connected with the social environment. Besides, it also has emphasised that the biomedical model ignored the nearness of the social disparities in wellbeing. He likewise contended that for successful treatment, the general population experience about illness and health must be recognised. As indicated by the viewpoint of biomedical health of model it has been contended that doctors support the rate of production of the general public by clarifying wellbeing as the possibility to work, he additionally dispersed that working is superior to joblessness (Travis 2014) It was underlined that the healthcare professionals are faulted of medicalisation in the event that they consider the societal impact of patient and on the off chance that they disregard, the claim still holds. The bias of gender inside the biomedical space was unmistakably underlined from the contention viewpoint. It was referred to by Nettleton from the womens activist perspective that sexist belief systems of the therapeutic calling present ladies as a peon (unskilled), contrasted with the men folks. For case, it was connected that the continuous female visits to the healing facility and centres contrasted with their male partner is a result of the way their body is intended for childbearing, furthermore for the nurture other relatives. Gabrielsen (2014) expressed that there are numerous routes in which the womens activist censure how the therapeutic professionals cooperate with patient. She emphasized that a large portion of the female issues from the restorative perspective should be addressed. She bolstered are proof by referring to a case of menstrual torment among ladies. She said that some female overstretches the seriousness of the torment, while most overlooks it. She additionally specified that the therapeutic specialists considers male as top of the line resident in the ways they interface with them contrasted with their female people. Gendered nature of force in biomedical research and clinical practice was connected in the US Public Health Service Task Force (Miller, et al., 2013). This was composed in 1985 on issue of health of females. It was expressed in it that there was disregard in the way females wellbeing was being taken care of. They contended that the biomedical research laid more accentuation on illnesses that can bring about high danger of mortality in men contrasted with the ladies regardless of that the sicknesses were not sex-particular example breast Cancer. Similarly, it has been supported to this reality by tolerating that male sexual orientation still stands as a measure to assess the status of wellbeing of both genders, notwithstanding the commotion to expand individuals learning about ladies wellbeing. Gabrielsen (2014), reported that a social arrangement was proclaimed by the Federal Food and Drug Administration in 1993.This was achieved to put a stop to the unending utilization of ladies as research creatures and to diminish the issue that could happen if hatchling is presented to look into. Females wellbeing was imperilled through premature birth realised by the biomedical model. This view was supported through relating that the healthcare professionals help the male by urging the female to experience tuba ligation which is a type of family arranging that make females permanently sterile. This activity supports the male, yet negative to the female always due to powerlessness to get pregnant. This demonstrates the men has truly overwhelmed the world and couldnt care less about the females prosperity. The radical womens activist referred to acknowledged that the western pharmaceutical has given men an excessive amount of chance contrasted with the ladies. This has permitted men to assume control over the ladies bodies. It was proposed that this procedure can be controlled by guaranteeing that ladies specialists treat the wiped out ladies inside the general public that is antiracist, hostile to exist, and against heterosexist. This thought was likewise contended from anoth er perspective by the reformist that the wellbeing framework should be changed from inside. This is to guarantee that female specialists are additionally utilized in more noteworthy number furthermore implementing responsibility by the restorative experts. It has been concluded that the biomedical model of health offers a method for adjusting clinical strategies in biomedical practice to culturally diverse care and study. Every progression of the critical thinking process has parallel exercises in customary and family frameworks of care. At every progression, discrepant desires, rehearses, family capacity, and correspondence style highlight territories of potential worry in clinical critical thinking. Critical thinking crosswise over social limit regularly includes looking for assistance from individuals from the group, from the sociologic, humanities, and from anthropologists. Whats more, patients turn into an important wellspring of data and, when wiped out, regularly uncover issues that may somehow or another never be revealed. Bibliography Haralambos, M. and Holborn, M. (2013) Haralambos Holborn sociology: Themes and perspectives. 8th edn. London, United Kingdom: Collins Educational. al, et, Moore, S. and etc, et al (2001) Sociology for AS level. London: Collins Educational. Giddens, A. and Griffiths, S. (2006) Sociology. 5th edn. Cambridge, UK: Polity Press. References Carrier, J. (2015). Managing long-term conditions and chronic illness in primary care: A guide to good practice. . Routledge. Darlow, B., Fullen, B. M., Dean, S., Hurley, D. A., Baxter, G. D., Dowell, A. (2012). The association between health care professional attitudes and beliefs and the attitudes and beliefs, clinical management, and outcomes of patients with low back pain:. European Journal of Pain, 16(1) , 3-17. Deacon, B. J. (2013). The biomedical model of mental disorder: A critical analysis of its validity, utility, and effects on psychotherapy research. Clinical Psychology Review, 33(7) , 846-861. Gabrielsen, L. (2014). Bias at the Gate? The Pharmaceutical Industrys Influence on the Federally Approved Drug Compendia. American journal of law medicine, 40(1), 141-163. Lupton, D. (2012). Medicine as culture: Illness, disease and the body. . Sage. Mettler, T. (2016). Anticipating mismatches of HIT investments: Developing a viability-fit model for e-health services. International journal of medical informatics, 85(1) , 104-115. Miller, V. M., Rice, M., Schiebinger, L., Jenkins, M. R., Werbinski, J., Nà ºÃƒ ±ez, A., et al. (2013). Embedding concepts of sex and gender health differences into medical curricula. . Journal of Womens Health, 22(3) , 194-202. Biomedical model of health Biomedical model of health THE SOCIOLOGICAL CRITIQUE OF THE BIOMEDICAL MODEL OF HEALTH AND HOW IT AFFECTS WOMENS HEALTH Biomedicine has been around since the middle of the nineteenth century as the major model used by health practitioners to detect diseases (Nettleton, 1995).This biomedical model of health have centred on how the human body functions and how diseases can be stopped, or healed through medical intervention(Taylor and field 2003). This model continues to be the bedrock in which foundation of health care system is based in the western societies, but there has being a lot of queries concerning its influence on the general pattern of health, since majority of health determinant are social and environmental. Arkinson (1988 p.180)claimed that the biomedical model, which as taken over the formal health care system in the West since the last two centuries view health along the reductionist approach. In this approach illness is said to be caused by injury or infections and there is neglect to the psychological, socio-economic and environmental influences (Taylor and field 2003). Over the last two centuries the biomedical model has being greatly challenged by scholars in the medical (Engel, 1981) and sociological field. This criticism was brought about by the drastic increase in the medical expenses. Engel (1981) stated that the effectiveness of the medical model has been over emphasized. Mc Keown (1976) also argued that the reduction in the death rate which happened some years back within the developed world was influenced by good eating habit and proper hygiene than it was with immunisation, and other health care intervention. This view was supported by Powles (1973) by re-emphasizing that spending money on health care system had led to nothing but wastage. Illich (1990) also argued that instead of medicine providing a curative assistance to the populace, it added more to their problem by introducing what is called iatrogenesis which means Doctor-caused illness,for example, the aftermath effect of using drug and some harmful effect of surgery. Illich(1990) blamed the health care providers and the pharmaceutical companies of inventing the social iatrogenesis .This brought into limelight consumption of health care product which was caused by increase health need. He also testified that the system of medicalisation also brought about what we call cultural iatrogenesis, which means that the medical industry has robbed people off the ability to cope with pains and illness .Illich (1990) argued that human being should try to avoid the control of medicine over their lives. He claimed that the monopoly of medicine over cure should be stopped, so that people can make decision on their way of life. Stryer and Clancy (2005) reported that in Britain it was estimated that around 10% of people hospitalised undergo some kind of iatrogenisis, which is equivalent to roughly 850.000 occurrence per year. Health is said to be highly medicalised in this model which led to a general view of human beings (Illich, 1976).Oakley, 1976 and Donnison, 1977 reported this fact about medical jurisdiction by citing an example of childbirth. This was taken away from women by the institute of medicine by ensuring that by the 1970s all child delivery took place in the hospital (Tew, i990).This action made pregnant women to be handled like a sick person. In this respect a normal life experience was turned into a medical problem, which requires the assistance of the medical team (Martin, 1989). The model focuses mainly on the healing process which is at a disadvantage to prevention and health promotion care closer to the populace (Taylor and field 2003). Engel (1981) stated that biomedicine has refused to acknowledge the fact that the human body is linked with the social environment. Nettleton (1995) reiterated that the biomedical model neglected the presence of the social inequalities in health. He also argued that for effective treatment, the lay people experience about health and illness must be acknowledged. According to the perspective of Marxists, he argued that doctors encourage the production rate of the society by explaining health as the potential to work, he also disseminated that working is better than idleness(Waitzkin, 1989).It was emphasized that the health professionals are blamed of medicalisation if they consider the societal influence of patient and if they ignore, the accusation still holds (Nettleton, 1995). The gender bias within the biomedical domain was clearly emphasized from the conflict perspective (Nettleton,1995).It was cited by Nettleton from the feminist point of view that sexist ideologies of the medical profession present women as a second class citizen, compared to the men folks(Scully and Bart,1978;Martin,1989).For example, it was related by (Nettleton,1995)that the frequent female visit to the hospital and clinics compared to their male counterpart is because of the way their body is designed for childbearing and also for the care they provide for other family members. Foster (1989) stated that there are many ways in which the feminist criticize how the medical practitioners interact with patient. She reiterated that most of the female problems from the medical point of view need to be questioned. She supported are evidence by citing an example of menstrual pain among women. She said that some female overstretch the severity of the pain, while most ignores it(Foster,1989 p.339).She also mentioned that the medical practitioners considers male as first class citizen in the ways they interact with them compared to their female folks. Gendered nature of power in biomedical research and clinical practice was related in the US Public Health Service Task Force (Patricia and Chiloe 1999).This was written in 1985 on womens health issue. It was stated in it that there was neglect in the way womens health was being handled .They argued that the biomedical research laid more emphasis on diseases that can cause high risk of mortality in men compared to the women despite that the diseases were not sex-specific like breast cancer. Robert (1990, 1992) also supported this fact by accepting that male gender still stands as a measure to evaluate the status of health of both sexes, despite the clamour to broaden peoples knowledge about womens health. Patricia and Chiloe (1999) reported that a social policy was promulgated by the Federal Food and Drug Administration in 1993.This was brought about to put a stop to the incessant use of women as research animals and to decrease the problem that could occur if foetus is exposed to res earch. Womens health was endangered through abortion brought about by the biomedical model. This view was supported by Foster (1989)by relating that the doctors assist the male by encouraging the female to undergo tuba ligation which is a form of family planning that make women sterile forever. This action favours the male, but detrimental to the female forever because of inability to get pregnant. This shows that the men has really dominated the world and do not care about the well being of women. The radical feminist cited by Nettleton (1995) accepted that the western medicine have given men too much opportunity compared to the women. This has allowed men to take over the womens bodies. It was suggested that this process can be controlled by ensuring that women doctors treat the sick women within the society that is antiracist, anti-sexist, and anti-heterosexist (Williams,1989;Abbott and Wallance,1990).This idea was also argued from another point of view by the reformist that the health s ystem need to be changed from within .This is to ensure that female doctors are also employed in greater number and also enforcing accountability by the medical practitioners.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Sophocles Antigone - The Stubborn Antigone and Creon :: Antigone essays

The Tragic Duo of Antigone and Kreon In the play Antigone, both Antigone and Kreon could be considered tragic heros. A tragic hero, defined by A Dictionary of Literary, Dramatic and Cinematic Terms, is someone who suffers due to a tragic flaw, or hamartia. This Greek word is variously translated as "tragic flaw" or "error" or "weakness". Kreon's hamartia, like in many plays, is hybris - Greek for overweening pride, arrogance, or excessive confidence. Kreon's hybris causes him to attempt to violate the laws of order or human rights, another main part of a tragic hero. Also, like all tragic heroes, Kreon suffers because of his hamartia and then realizes his flaw. The belief that Antigone is the hero is a strong one, but there is a stronger belief that Kreon, the Ruler of Thebes, is the true protagonist. Kreon's main and foremost hamartia was his hybris, or his extreme pride. Kreon was a new king, and he would never let anyone prove him wrong or let anyone change his mind once it was made. One main event that showed Kreon's hamartia and also caused the catastrophe was when he asked his son Haimon, who was engaged to marry Antigone, if he still loves his father. Haimon says he respects Kreon's ruling, but he feels, in this case, that Kreon was wrong. Haimon asks his father to take his advice and not have Antigone executed, but, because of Kreon's hybris, Kreon gets furious and makes the situation worse then it already was. He was way too proud to take advice from someone younger, and in his anger he decided to kill Antigone right away in front of Haimon's eyes. "'Just understand: You don't insult me and go off laughing. Bring her here! Let him see her. Kill her here, beside her bridegroom'" (Sophocles 919-921). This was too much for Haimon to take, and he runs out of the room, yelling, "'...her death will destroy others'" (Sophocles 908). Blinded by his pride and arrogance, Kreon takes that remark as a threat to himself, unknowing that it wasn't directed to himself, but was a suicide threat by his own son. Another example of Kreon's tragic pride is when the prophet, Teiresias, travels all the way to Thebes to tell Kreon very important news, but Kreon pride makes him ignore it and he accuses Teiresias of being bribed.

Friday, July 19, 2019

Meaningless Lives in 7 Stories :: essays research papers

?If you remain imprisoned in self denial then days, weeks, months, and years, will continue to be wasted.? In the play, 7 stories, Morris Panych exhibits this denial through each character differently. Man, is the only character who understands how meaningless life really is. All of the characters have lives devoid of real meaning or purpose, although they each have developed an absurd point or notion or focus to validate their own existence. In this play, the characters of Charlotte and Rodney, are avoiding the meaninglessness of their lives by having affairs, drinking, and pretending to kill each other to enhance excitement into their life. Charlotte and Rodney are blind to the meaninglessness of their life because they avoid it by having an affair. They are the first characters introduced to Man in the play, and they go to this place to escape from their own corrupt marriages. ?A lovely picture of your lovely wife,? (pg.6) proves the tone of the situation, and the sarcasm in how much Rodney doesn?t care about his wife and family at home. ?I started having another affair. You can?t believe how complicated that is. Cheating on the man you?re cheating with,? (pg.42) as Charlotte expressed how bored she was wither own life, and that this was the only way that she could avoid her own meaningless life. Another way these characters avoid living their life is by drinking continuously, in a way to make the time pass by faster and forget. ?Haven?t you had enough? She loses count after 10 cocktails,? (pg.11) proving to the audience her own self denial, and how she wastes every day. Unfortunately, there are many, who in society today, do the same thing to get out of a situation they?re trying to hide or a difficult time they?re going through. This relates back to their affair which they?re obviously hiding and trying to get through this time in their life. Thirdly, Charlotte and Rodney pretend to kill each other to try to enhance and excite their boring lives. They use this technique as many people do in every day life to not show their true self, because they think that they will be more interesting this way. ?It gives him a tremendous amount of power to hear me gasping for air,? (pg.40) which shows how Rodney gets excitement into his life by this role-playing. ?The world according to Rodney. Life would be so ?

Thursday, July 18, 2019

The Life of Ansel Adams :: Photography Photographers Essays

The Life of Ansel Adams President Jimmy Carter, in presenting Ansel Adams with the Presidential Medal of Freedom, best describes the life and work of Ansel Adams. "At one with the power of the American landscape, and renowned for the patient skill and timeless beauty of his work, photographer Ansel Adams has been visionary in his efforts to preserve this country's wild and scenic areas, both on film and on earth. Drawn to the beauty of nature's monuments, he is regarded by environmentalists as a monument himself, and by photographers as a national institution. It is through his foresight and fortitude that so much of America has been saved for future Americans." Ansel Adams has long been hailed as a master of photography. Environmentalist and photographer, he was born February 20th, 1902 in San Francisco California to Charles Hitchcock Adams. He was the grandson of a wealthy timer baron and he grew up in the sand dunes of the Golden Gate Bridge. His family's fortune diminished during the financial panic of 1907 and his father Charles spent the rest of his life trying to rebuild it. In 1906 at the age of 4, Ansel was thrown to the ground during an aftershock of the great San Francisco earthquake and broke his nose, scarring him for life in the process. This physical characteristic along with a natural shyness also led to the young Ansel having problems in fitting in at school. After trying several schools with little success, his parents took him out of main stream schooling in 1915 and Ansel received home tutoring from an aunt and his father. As a result of not attending school, the young Adams had a lot more time to himself and he used much of this time on long walks around the Golden Gate area. It was here that his life-long love of nature grew and it was perhaps this that put him on his path to becoming a landscape photographer. In 1916 there was another event that was to be pivotal in shaping Adams future. On a family vacation to Yosemite National Park, California his parents gave him a Kodak Box Brownie camera. He was to return to Yosemite again every ye ar for the rest of his life. This summer I had the opportunity to live where many of these Yosemite and other pictures were taken. One of his most famous photographs was of the many curves of the Snake River, with the picturesque Grand Teton Mountains in the background.

International Finance Corporation

Financing the Mozal Project Executive unofficial We earn assessed the diverse chances composite in the Mozal send. The construction take a chance, operating danger and finance risk ar relatively blue but the political risk is genuinely high. Creeping expropriation and moral hazard are realistic threats to the puke. The high sovereign risk is reflected in the burial vault aim. The hurdle rate amounts to a much higher honour than the internal rate of return. Therefore, it is non possible for the sponsors to undertake the proposed enthronisation in the project.Regarding the financial support gap of $250m participation of the IFC is quintessential as commercial bankers refuse to provide living without its involvement. IFC involvement could be truly unspoilt for the project but the IFCs bill should not go through with the recommended coronation of $120m as the high sovereign risk does not justify making the IFCs strikingst investment yet. Summary of facts The Moz al project, a $1. 4b atomic number 13 smelter in Mozambique, is a joint menace between Alusaf, the aluminum subsidiary of the Gencor group, and the industrial Development skunk (IDC) of South-Africa, a political sympathies consumeed ripening bank.Mozambique is one of the poorest countries in the world and only recently emerged from a 17-year civil war that had destroyed the nations infrastructure. Both parties would each own 25% of Mozal by an candour investment of $125m. Ownership of the remaining equity transfix of $250m is still to be determined. To be adequate to(p) to attract additional funding, the sponsors require needful to involve the International pay Corporation (IFC), a member of the World vernacular Group. The IFC has a good reputation and significant experience in structuring grants in emerge markets.The IFC board has received a good word by its team to insert in the project with a $55m senior debt and $65m subordinated debt investment. http//www. sl ideshare. wage/prafful16/financing-the-mozal-project http//www. scribd. com/doc/105379331/The-Mozal-Project Financing the Mozal Project genus Benzoin Esty Harvard Business School Finance unit of measurement February 18, 2000 Case No. 200-005 instruct rase 5-200-025 Abstract SUBJECT AREAS project finance, rising markets, sovereign risk, valuation analysis, Africa, International Finance Corporation, multi-lateral agencyCASE SETTING June 1997, Mozambique, aluminum smelter, $1. billion investment, $700 trillion revenue, 750 employees In June 1997, a project team from the International Finance Corporation (IFC) was recommending that the board approve a $120 one thousand million investment in the Mozal project, a $1. 4 billion aluminum smelter in Mozambique. Four factors made this recommendation controversial. First, it would be the IFCs largest investment in the world and by far its largest investment in sub-Saharan Africa. Second, the project was enormous by Mozambican standar dsit was not much smaller than the countrys 1996 earn domestic project (GDP).Third, Mozambique was a very poor country at the term (per capita GDP of $90) and had only recently emerged from 20 years of civil war. Fourth, many aspects of the deal remain undetermined such as who was going to provide half the equity needed to finance the project. Despite these concerns, the sponsors, Alusaf (the aluminum subsidiary of the South African minerals company, Gencor) and industrial Development Corporation of South Africa (IDC is a development bank), want to structure a limited-recourse deal to finance the smelter it will be non-recourse to the sponsors after completion.Commercial bankers have refused to participate unless the International Finance Corporation gets involved in the deal and so the sponsors have apostrophizeed the IFC about participation. After reviewing the projects commercial viability and development impact, the IFC team is recommending the investment. The board must def ine whether it is the right time and the right project to make such a large investment. The case has four pedagogical objectives. ) It presents an extremum example of political risk in a developing country condition and shows how organizations like Institutional Investor, the Economist intelligence operation Unit, and The PRS Group attempt to analyze it for future investors.2) It illustrates the modern form of political risk management through project selection, structuring, and insurance, and contrasts this approach with the older, financial style of political risk management whereby sponsors simply increased hurdle rates to ensure sufficient project returns. ) It highlights the various roles multilateral development institutions, in general, and the IFC, in particular, can play in financing major projects. 4) It analyzes IFCs involvement in appraising, structuring, monitoring, and financing projects, and shows how these activities create value by resolving costly market imperf ections including information, distress, agency, and transactions costs. It also explores the IFCs performance in these various activities. Given these objectives, the case is appropriate for trading/government, strategy, international business, and finance courses. Case and Teaching Paper Series